Are You Asking the Right Questions?
What kind of questions are you asking every day? Did you know that you are constantly asking questions? It may not even be in the form of a question, but you are sending out your requests for what you want or don't want everyday. What you are receiving is directly related to what kind of questions you are asking.
You may not realize it, but you have great Power. Even though what you see around you is physical. But there is much more to you and the universe around you. As humans we are different from animals. We have the ability to think and reason. That is because we were created (yes I said created, not evolved) in God's image. When you were created you were given a special tool to use to be able to "contact" your Creator.
That tool is prayer. Through your thoughts, you can talk to your Creator and he hears you. He does not delegate that job to his Son or any other angels. He listens to your prayers and gives you what you request. Because you may not be aware of that tool, you may be asking for things without realizing it.
You have heard it said, "Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it." The truth is, you are getting just exactly what you ask for, whether you realize you have asked for it or not. That is because you are asking the wrong questions.
You live in a universe of energy that is in constant motion, constant vibration. Everything is energy in one form or another. (Quantum physics is the study of that energy. We will talk more about that in a later blog.) Your thoughts are energy too. So what you think about is really asking for what you want. But if your thoughts are about what you DON'T want, rather than what you do want, then that is what you will get.
Let me share a personal story. About 15 years ago, I was in a job that I hated. But like most of you, I felt trapped. So my husband and I took a day trip to a park up in the NC mountains and we took a picnic lunch and went and sat by the river. We talked for hours about what I could do to change things. I worked for a company that was really not very customer service oriented and that bothered me. I was in the environmental industry with water quality. We helped private water systems meet the EPA and State regulations. I taught myself how to prepare a report that for the most part was being done only by engineers. I learned on my own how to do the report and the company was charging their customers over $700 for the service. Of course, I got nothing more than the $12.50 an hour they were paying me to do the work.
I have been an entrepreneur at heart since I was a child. I sold Grit newspapers when I was 12. So I knew that I would be happier if I could work for myself. I could see that the customers of my company were getting some of their needs met, but not some of the most important ones. They asked for them, but the company was not responsive. I felt like my hands were tied because I knew there was a need that could be met.
My husband and I talked about my creating a company that could prepare these reports for the people along with others that they needed. I could also help the systems to keep tract of the testing they were required to do so they would not get a fine or be in violation of EPA regulations. I could also perform the tests for them if necessary.
What I did not realize was on that day, I was "asking" my Creator to grant my desire. I knew that his Word says: "Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. For everyone asking receives and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened." Luke11:9 (If you would like more information on this from a Biblical standpoint, please email me.) Every day when I went to that job that I hated, I was "asking" without knowing it.
Well, I got what I asked for, for not quite like I would have wanted it. Three months later, at 4:00 on a Friday afternoon, two weeks before Christmas, I was called into my boss's office. He informed me that the company was having some financial difficulty and my job had been eliminated. I had 15 minutes to clean out my desk. At that moment, my whole world came crashing down around me.
You see, I am one of those people that struggle with self-worth. So the only gauge I had to interpret my value was in my paycheck that I brought home every two weeks. Suddenly, in an instant, my total value as I saw disappeared. I got what I "asked" for. I wanted to be out of that job. I had never been fired or laid off in my life. I hit rock bottom.
At first I was stunned, then I was angry,then I was scared. I cried for two days. Then I called a friend that had a business of his own to get some advice. He reminded me that I had mentioned that there were services that the customers at my former company wanted and were not getting them. He knew I had connections with the
State engineers and they respected me. He suggested I give them a call first thing Monday morning and share with them my "VISION" and see what they said.
I took his advice and mustered up my courage and called them on Monday morning. They were sorry that I had been laid off, but thought I had some great ideas and no one else was filling the needs that I saw needed to be filled. They said they would give my name to anyone that they thought needed the kind of services I was able to provide.
I was not prepared for what happened that week. Before the end of the week, the engineers had referred me so several people, I had formed a company, opened a bank account, got a business license and signed contracts with three new customers. I had $5,000 in the bank of retainers and I was on my way.That business paid off for me for ten years.
I had asked a question, I just did not know what I was asking. If you want to control what you get in life,you need to ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. Don't think about what it is you DON'T think about what it is that you DO want. Create
a VIVID VISION of what it is you want and have FAITH that you will receive it. Your Creator is waiting for your requests so that he can give it to you.
In future posts I hope to share with you other stories about answers to the questions we ask. I would like to include your stories as well. If you have a story
of getting what you wanted, even if you did not know that you were "asking" for it, please share that with us. I would like to compile them into an e-book to share with others at some point. I would love to hear from you and hear your story.
Please post your story here to share.
Until next time.
1 comment:
I really enjoyed reading your posts, please keep up the good work!
Best regards,
Henrik Boyander
The Internet Marketing Blog
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